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Firstly, hello!

I haven’t posted in over a month, and there is a reason. Today, I finally finished my first ever book.

Not sure if you’ve ever experienced this but the strangest thing has just happened to me. I expected to be happy. I expected to be a kind of dance around the living room ecstatic. But I’m not. I’m far from it.

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I decided to read Only Ever Yours after a good friend recommended it to me. It came with a warning…you will hate it and you will love it.

For the most part, I’d have to agree.

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So, last week I finished my first ever buy Latuda online usa which consisted of a video and small written piece.

I hold my hands up. I thought that the whole process would take me approximately 2-3 hours, and it would be super-easy and fun to do.

Well, my experience wasn’t exactly how I imagined it would be….

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